Terms and Conditions

Mama Glow and Yoga Elements provides yoga teaching through both in person and online classes, 1:1 sessions, retreats, workshops and courses.

The following terms and conditions have been created to ensure that all students benefit from our teaching. By signing up to or participating in any offering from Mama Glow or Yoga Elements, you accept all of the below terms and conditions and agree to adhere to them.

Waiver of Liability

I agree that I am voluntarily participating in an in person or online class, 1:1 session, retreat, workshop or course offered by Mama Glow and Yoga Elements.

I understand and recognise that although where specified, classes with Mama Glow and Yoga Elements are designed for Pregnancy and Postnatal recovery, they may be physically strenuous and may cause physical injury. I have read the description of each class and voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge and awareness of the risks and hazards involved.

I agree that I have been signed off for exercise by a medical professional and have informed Mama Glow and Yoga Elements of any medical condition that would prevent my full participation. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injury or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the class or programme.

I agree to take full responsibility for my baby during any classes where they are present, and agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injury or damages, known or unknown, which they might incur as a result of participating in the class or programme.

I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Mama Glow or Yoga Elements for any personal injury, injury to my baby, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.

I understand that I may receive physical or verbal assists or adjustments to enhance or correct my body posture during class. I will take accountability for alerting the teacher of any injury or impairment in advance before class begins or if I do not want to receive any assists.

I understand that in very exceptional circumstances the class timetable may be altered at short notice, Mama Glow and Yoga Elements reserves the right to make any such alterations. 

I understand that photos and videos may be taken of the class and used by Mama Glow or Yoga Elements in their promotional material online and offline. By entering into this agreement I agree that it is my responsibility to make myself known should I not wish for myself or my baby to be photographed or filmed.

If you are attending an in person class, you accept full responsibility for your belongings. Mama Glow and Yoga Elements does not accept responsibility for any lost, stolen or damaged goods.

Booking & Purchase Policy

I understand that all bookings must be made and purchased in advance through the appropriate booking systems.

I agree that all bookings are final and non-refundable, unless a cancellation is made more than 24 hours in advance when you can either 1. contact us to transfer your booking to a different class of the same value within the same term, or 2. request a payment refund minus 10% to cover booking system fees.

In booking or purchasing a service from Mama Glow and Yoga Elements and providing an email address, I agree to be communicated with by email. I accept any risk that email may not be a fully secure and confidential means of communication. Mama Glow and Yoga Elements will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of communicating in this manner.

Ownership of Content

All content of both online and in person classes and other offerings is considered intellectual property and is owned solely by Mama Glow and Yoga Elements and may not be recorded, redistributed, resold or passed on. This also applies to any handouts or written materials you may receive as part of an offering.

Our terms may change from time to time, all updates will be posted to this page. If you have any questions about these terms, please do not hesitate to contact Amanda at amanda@yoga-elements.co.uk